
Stamping out infection without stumping your future chances of treatment

We want to relieve your symptoms and help you recover without any problems, however, antibiotics are not the answer to all infections we catch. 

Antibiotics are used to treat or prevent some types of bacterial infection. They work by killing bacteria or preventing them from spreading. But they do not work for everything. Many mild bacterial infections get better on their own without using antibiotics. Antibiotics do not work for viral infections such as colds and flu, and most coughs.

More Information:

Learn more about the reasons why we want to talk about antibiotics and avoid prescribing them if it is possible to treat your condition without them

What we can do to help...

 We welcome discussions about treating infections and use of antibiotics. When we discuss about infection, perhaps without making you fully aware we assess your needs using questions as follows:

C: Ask specifically about your concerns

‘What are the things you are most worried about?’ ‘What are the things you are most worried about?’

H: Discuss your history and our observations 

While making our observation we try to provide ‘no problem’ commentary such as observations about ‘Your heart rate is normal, your temperature isn’t raised’

E: Ask specifically about your expectations

'How do you think I could most help you today?’ or ‘How do you feel about How do you think I could most help you today?’ or ‘How do you feel about antibiotics?’ antibiotics?’

S: Provide non-serious explanation for symptoms

‘Your body produces phlegm as a normal reaction to inflammation in your airways. The phlegm catches particles and helps keep your lungs clear.’ 

T: Be specific about illness timeline / usual course

‘A typical cough can take 3-4 weeks to clear completely.’ 

S: Explain shortcomings of antibiotics

Antibiotics don’t help with pain but side effects, such as diarrhoea, nausea and Antibiotics don’t help with pain but side effects, such as diarrhoea, nausea and rash, can be experienced by up to 1 in 10 people.’ rash, can be experienced by up to 1 in 10 people.’

S: Self-care advice 

‘Pain in the chest or throat is normal due to inflammation, you can take paracetamol, and/or ibuprofen, which will help the pain and soothe your throat'

S: Safety-netting advice

We provide you with specific information on red-flag symptoms and when you should seek further help

You are very welcome to ask question or seek more information so that we address all your concerns and help you address your infection.

Dental Infections and antibiotics

We appreciate that appointments with dentists are difficult to make. However, many dental problems related to pain and swelling can be effectively assessed and treated by dentists without need to prescribed antibiotics. We are very willing to provide advice and support for dental problems so that you feel able to manage your symptoms while making every effort to see a dentist for more definitive treatment.

You can help yourself by taking steps as follows:

  • Take regular pain medicine and we can consider prescribing stronger pain medicines if needed - until a dentist can see your for urgent treatment.
  • Repeated courses of antibiotics for abscess are not appropriate particularly when they are taken without drainage as they are ineffective in preventing spread of infection.
  • Antibiotics are only recommended if there are signs of severe infection or there is high risk of complications

Antibiotics are generally not indicated for otherwise healthy people at low risk of complications when there are no signs of spreading infection. In the absence of immediate attention by a dentist, we propose we only prescribe antibiotics - 

  • For people who are very unwell or if there are signs of severe infection (for example fever, enlarged lymph glands, overlying skin showing signs of infection or worsening swelling)
  • For high-risk individuals to reduce the risk of complications (for example people who are immunocompromised or have diabetes)

Plese support us stamp out infection without stumping your future chances of treatment.