Health Advice

Self Care, Local Services and Community Support

This page is dedicated to provide you with advice and guidance regarding how to manage your conditions, how to deal with minor injury or illness that doesn't require treatment or advice from us. While there are many resources available online to learn about health and social care such as NHS' website, we have gathered information regarding local and national services that we hope will help you manage your condition on your own or with support available locally without need for formal referral from us. A directory of local services is also avaialble on the weblinks provided with in the web page.

Please scroll down this page to find more information about support you can find for yourself and family members, as well as advice about long term conditions such as asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure and more...

Please visit Southampton City Council Webpage to learn about adult social support provisions in the city:

Emollients and Fire Risk

All emollients (lotions, creams, ointments, gels, sprays, soap substitutes) carry this risk. Creams are important in managing different skin conditions. You should continue to use your skin products as directed by your doctor, nurse or pharmacist. However, it is also important that you are aware of the danger and know how to keep safe when using these products.

Emollients (skin moisturisers) can transfer from the skin onto clothing, bedding, dressings, and other fabric. In the presence of a naked flame, such item withs emollient dried on are easily ignited. Emollients are not flammable in themselves or when on the skin, but when dried on to fabric they act as an accelerant, increasing the speed of ignition and intensity of the fire. This accelerant effect significantly reduces the time available to act to put out a clothing or bedding fire before serious and fatal burns are sustained. 

We are, therefore, keen to work with patients who need to use larger quantities of emollients to make sure risk of fire is minimised. Please follow links below for further information and to learn about useful resources