A fast track referral happens when a GP has concerns that a patient’s symptoms might suggest cancer or symptoms need prompt assessment to make sure it is not cancer. We make a referral to the hospital and an appointment to see a specialist is arranged within two weeks. The hospital contacts the patient by telephone to schedule the appointment or any tests that need to be done. Please follow link below to download patient information regarding fast track referrals.
Useful Resources
- Healthwatch England have published some useful information on their website for cancer patients: https://www.healthwatch.co.uk/advice-and-information/2020-04-28/cancer-and-coronavirus.
- • To support people living with cancer, Macmillan has developed a Coronavirus Hub which contains useful information relating to coronavirus and FAQs https://www.macmillan.org.uk/coronavirus. This information is updated continuously.
- Macmillan asked some Consultant colleagues to answer the most frequently asked questions from the Support Line. You can find these videos here: https://www.macmillan.org.uk/coronavirus/cancer-treatment-and-coronavirus.
- Cancer Care Maps is an online resource which provides details of support groups and services in each area and can be filtered through postcode searches.