- Memory Cafes and Community Activities
There are 9 Memory Cafes operating in the city? From Thornhill to Highfield to Lordshill, and 6 other locations, each cafe usually runs at least once a month. For more details, visit the Caraway website: here where you can also find a range of other support and activities in the community, including Dementia courses for carers. You can also sign up to receive weekly newsletter on activities for those living with Dementia and their carers here.
- Dementia Navigators
You can also make your own referrals to the city's Dementia Navigators via this form or email: hsiccg.solinked@nhs.net. Dementia Navigators can provide information and practical guidance to help people understand dementia, cope with day-to-day challenges and prepare for the future. The service offers information to people who are worried about their memory and ongoing support to people affected by dementia face to face or over the phone.