Disabled Access
We want to get better at communicating with our patients. We want to make sure you can read and understand the information we send you. If you find it hard to read our letters or if you need someone to support you at appointments, please let us know.
Improving Access to Surgery
We want to know if you need information in braille, large print or easy read. We want to know if you need a British Sign Language interpreter or advocate.
We want to know if we can support you to lipread or use a hearing aid or communication tool. You are also welcome to use support facilities provided by Relay UK to reach us. Relay UK (Previously Next Generation Text) - helps people with hearing and speech difficulties to communicate with anyone over the phone, using the national relay service. They also offer their services using smart phone you can down their app following this link (Relay UK App).
Please visit Health Watch UK Website to learn more about what we can do to help you access help from the surgery.
Online access to the surgery
We are wish to make our service open and accessible by all possible means. You are welcome to call surgery to book an appointment to your GP. We have also set up systems to help you access our services online. Please click here (Health at Home) for more information regarding accessing services online and we have outlined below some commonly used resources that you can use to access our advice and help.
Please note any digital image submitted as part of an online consultation, will be stored within your clinical notes.
You can now register for the new NHS app to order repeat medication, make appointments and much more. Why not check it out by going to:www.nhs.uk/using-the-nhs-services/the-nhs-app/
eConsult enables you to contact us or other health professionals over the internet. It saves you waiting for an appointment or coming into the surgery. You can share your health related questions or concerns using online platform. This allows patients to submit their symptoms or requests to their own GP electronically, and offers around the clock NHS self-help information, signposting to services, and a symptom checker. We aim to provide an initial response to your query by end of next working day, your GP may review your request further and provide more detailed response if needed.
Please follow links below to learn more about e-Consult as a platform and how it works to provide you with useful advice and support.
How e-Consult works: eConsult how it works and frequently asked questions or visit here to look at a short video to understand how it works or visit frequently asked questions link to discover more about eConsult and how you can make most use of this facility.
Please click here if you wish to submit an e-consult
Review of your on going treatment
eConsult provides facility to submit information related to your health particularly if you are taking medications regularly or suffer from long-term conditions for example Asthma, COPD, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Thyroid disease. You can also use this facility to share with us your own review of medications and contraceptive pills.
Please follow this link to access the facility and help us review your on going care.
Please note any digital image submitted as part of an online consultation, will be stored within your clinical notes.
Website Accessibility Information
Our website pages are designed so that you can change the style, size and colour of the font used, as well as the background colour. If you wish to do so, please see the guides below.
Customise settings in:
Further help
If you:
- Have problems seeing the screen
- Find it difficult to use the mouse or keyboard
- Need help with language or reading websites
then we recommend you visit the BBC website My Web My Way, which provides advice on how to make your computer easier to use, whether you are a Windows, Mac or Linux user.